Within the framework of Belgium’s Presidency of the “Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research” on Sunday 9 December, 2012 in the Palais d’Egmont, Brussels


Isaac Gilead (Ben-Gurion University of the Neguev), Archaelogy at the Nazi Killing Centres: Problems and Prospects

Gueorgui Chepelev (Department of Slavic studies, University Paris 8), La Shoah à l'Est : le terrain en Biélorussie et en Russie. Questions, problèmes, perspectives [The Holocaust in Eastern Europe: Belarusian and Russian territories. Issues, Problems, Prospects]

Philippe Mesnard (Professor of general and comparative literature, University Blaise Pascal – Clermont-Ferrand 2 & Director of Remembrance of Auschwitz, Brussels)


The Veterans Institute – National Institute of War Invalids, War Veterans and Victims of War, which worked in collaboration with the Remembrance of Auschwitz – Auschwitz Foundation during the conference, filmed the whole day and uploaded the 4-part video on YouTube: