(467) - VAN ECK Ludo, Zo was het in Dachau : Leuven, Libetas, 1985, 269 p.
- Book number:
- 467
- Author:
- VAN ECK Ludo
- Other Editors and Contributors:
- ()
- Title:
- Zo was het in Dachau
- Number of volumes:
- 1
- Publisher city:
- Leuven
- Publisher(s):
- Libetas
- Year:
- 1985
- Pages:
- 269 p.
- Language:
- néerlandais
- Classification:
- > Répression et déportation - Camps de concentration - Dachau
- Number of copies:
- 2
- Available for consultation:
- yes
- Loan:
- présent (présent=available / emprunté=on loan)