The next one-day conference organized by the Remembrance of Auschwitz, entitled “Remembrance visits to Auschwitz in the past, present and future - with- criticisms”, will take place on Thursday February 23 at the “Square” Congress Center in Brussels.

Remembrance of Auschwitz is organizing a one-day conference on memorial visits by teachers to memorial sites. This conference forms part of the educational preparation of teachers and other education professionals taking part in the Train of 1000 to Auschwitz project organized by Remembrance of Auschwitz, the Auschwitz Foundation, the IV-INIG [The Institute of Veterans - National Institute for War Invalids, Former Combattants and Victims of War] and the IFR [International Federation of Resistance Fighters].


Presentation and detailed program for the one-day conference (pdf in French) (pdf in Dutch)


Details of the subjects to be examined during the conference are available here: “Remembrance visits to Auschwitz in the past, present and future - with- criticisms”


This event will be held at the Square Congress Center, entry via Rue Ravenstein, 2 – 1000 Brussels.


Participation is free of charge, but prior reservation is advisable.



For any additional information, contact Frédéric Crahay at Remembrance of Auschwitz

Tel.: +32 (0)2 512 79 98 – Fax: +32 (0)2 512 58 84 – Contact by e-mail