(11081) - Joanna Beata Michlic, Jewish children in Nazi-occupied Poland : Survival and Polish- Jewish relations during the Holocaust as reflected in early postwar recollections, Jérusalem, Yad Vashem - The international Institute for Holocaust Research, Coll. “Search and research : Lectures and papers” ; 14, 2008, 92 p.
Stichting Auschwitz – vzw Auschwitz in Gedachtenis
Wolstraat 17/Bus 50 – B-1000 Brussel
+32 (0)2 512 79 98
KBO Stichting Auschwitz: 0876787354
KBO Auschwitz in Gedachtenis: 0420667323
Kantoren geopend van maandag t/m vrijdag tussen 9u30 en 16u30.
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