Auschwitz Foundation - Committees of the Journal ‘Testimony: Between History and Memory’
Committees of the Journal ‘Testimony: Between History and Memory’

Journal Testimony: Between History and Memory

Publication Director: Henri Goldberg

Editor-in-Chief: Frédéric Crahay

Editorial Secretaries: Fabian Van Samang (journal in Dutch and English) and Nathalie Peeters (journal in French and English)


Editorial Board:

Daniel Acke, Pascale Fabre, Agnès Graceffa, Johan Puttemans, Maarten Van Alstein, Yannik van Praag and Guy Zelis.


Scientific Committee:

Thomas Baum (Belgium), Marnix Beyen (Belgium), Christophe Busch (Belgium), Sonia Combe (France), Bernard Dan (Belgium), Emmanuelle Danblon (Belgium), Wim De Vos (Belgium), Fransiska Louwagie (Belgium), Carlo Saletti (Italy), Frediano Sessi (Italy).


Auschwitz Foundation – Remembrance of Auschwitz
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   +32 (0)2 512 79 98
BCE/KBO Auschwitz Foundation: 0876787354
BCE/KBO Remembrance of Auschwitz: 0420667323

Office open from Monday to Friday  9:30am to 4:30pm.
Visit only by appointment.

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