Auschwitz Foundation - Paper - audio - audiovisual archive collections - photo library
Paper - audio - audiovisual archive collections - photo library


1. Amicale belge des ex-Prisonniers politiques d'Auschwitz-Birkenau, camps et prisons de Silésie Collection


Period covered by the materials: 1946 - ...


Material importance: nearly 2,000 items (handwritten, typed and printed documents; originals and facsimiles), classified in 15 boxes.


Conditions of acquisition: deposit.


Presentation of the collection: current archives of the Amicale: administrative papers (letters, accounting documents, invitations, programmes, etc.) produced by the Amicale, administrative papers (authorisations, accreditations, etc.) received by the Amicale, correspondence produced by persecuted persons and deportees, received by the Amicale, etc.


Status of treatment: inventoried, classified, indexed collection (computerised).



2. Collection of Personal Documents of Victims of the Shoah and Nazi Crimes

pere goldstein    decoster
Period covered by the collection: 19th-20th centuries.

Material importance: approximately 3,000 items, classified in 30 boxes (photographic, written, typed, printed: originals and facsimiles).


Conditions of acquisition: deposits by victims of the Shoah and Nazi terror and their relatives, mainly during audiovisual interviews.


Presentation of the collection: private papers (letters, notebooks, autobiographies, drawings, poems, etc.) produced and received by persecuted persons and deportees, administrative documents (identity papers, certificates, authorisations, etc.) received by persecuted persons and deportees, personal photographs.


Status of treatment: collection inventoried, inventory in progress (computerised).



3. International Auschwitz Committee (IAC) Collection

comiteinternational  goldstein cia

Period covered by the collection:
1977 - 1996.


Material importance: approximately 3,000 items (written, typed, printed: originals and facsimiles).


Conditions of acquisition: deposit.


Presentation of the collection: current archives of the IAC, publications and administrative papers produced by the IAC from 1977 to 1996, administrative papers received by the IAC, correspondence received by the Committee, etc.


Status of treatment: collection in the process of being inventoried.



4. Collection of audio recordings of testimonies of camp survivors

Period covered by the collection: 20th century.

Material importance: 66 recordings, i.e. over 150 hours of recording time.


Conditions of acquisition: recordings made by the Auschwitz Foundation.


Presentation of the collection: testimonies of survivors of Nazi concentration camps and extermination centres.


Status of treatment: inventoried collection (typed).



5. Collection of audiovisual testimonies of survivors of Nazi concentration camps and extermination centres

rubinstein rubinstein2
The Belgian branch of the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies – Yale University programme, the Auschwitz Foundation has collected and archived 245 testimonies from survivors of concentration camps (Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Esterwegen, Flossenbürg, Mauthausen, Neuengamme, Ravensbrück, Sachsenhausen, Struthof-Natzweiler, Theresienstadt) and extermination centres (Auschwitz-Birkenau) from 1992 to date. Some of these recordings were made in collaboration with the ULB (Université libre de Bruxelles) Audiovisual Centre.

Period covered by the collection:
20th century.


Material importance: 246 recordings, i.e. over 1,250 hours of recording time.


Conditions of acquisition: the Auschwitz Foundation has been producing testimonies since 1992.


Presentation of the collection: testimonies of survivors of Nazi concentration camps and extermination centres, prisons and fortresses of the Third Reich.


Status of treatment: inventoried collection. 

Overview of the archives relating to the Resistance kept at the Auschwitz Foundation (pdf)


See also our external website (in French):



6. Photo library

affiche ordonnance juifs   baudouin


Period covered by the collection: 20th century.


Material importance: approximately 3,500 prints (originals and facsimiles), classified in 17 boxes.


Conditions of acquisition: deposits of various origins.


Presentation of the collection: photographic prints relating mainly to the Third Reich (history, economy, society, politics, ideology, propaganda), the Shoah and Nazi terror (euthanasia programmes, labour camps, concentration camps, extermination centres, liberation, etc.) and the activities of the Auschwitz Foundation.


Status of treatment: collection (partially) inventoried,(typed), inventory in progress (computerised).

birkenau 2002


Auschwitz Foundation – Remembrance of Auschwitz
Rue aux Laines 17 box 50 – B-1000 Brussels
   +32 (0)2 512 79 98
BCE/KBO Auschwitz Foundation: 0876787354
BCE/KBO Remembrance of Auschwitz: 0420667323

Office open from Monday to Friday  9:30am to 4:30pm.
Visit only by appointment.

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