The Auschwitz Foundation Prizes are awarded annually to two high-level academic works in honour of all victims of the Nazi concentration camps and extermination centres. We also offer an annual research grant.
In order to promote multidisciplinary scientific work, the Auschwitz Foundation has awarded an annual ‘Auschwitz Foundation Prize’ since 1986 and, since 2002, an ‘Auschwitz Foundation - Jacques Rozenberg Prize’ - in honour of all the victims of the Nazi concentration camps and extermination centres - to reward original and unpublished research on the historical, social, political, economic, cultural and ideological processes that gave rise to mass crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.
Since 2012-2013, the Auschwitz Foundation has offered, in addition to the two prizes, an annual 'research grant', which was doubled in 2023 with a 'Research Grant from the Auschwitz Foundation - Jacques Rozenberg' offered by the Fondation Rozenberg-Caillet - Mains Ouvertes, Dignité de Vie. We warmly thank its Founder-President, Andrée Caillet, for this important initiative.
All four amount to €3,125.
Both prizes are primarily aimed at high-level academic work: doctorates, masters and research. The inter-university juries called upon to deliberate on these works are made up of professors from Belgian and foreign universities, researchers specialised in the themes dealt with and members of the Auschwitz Foundation's Scientific Council.
In addition to awarding these prizes, the Auschwitz Foundation reserves the right to enter into a research agreement with one or more authors whose work has not been awarded a prize. To this end, it may allocate a small amount of financial aid to support the applicant in pursuing their research, depending on the comments made by the jury.
The Auschwitz Foundation Prizes have been granted for the academic year 2022-2023 to the following researchers:
The academic session for the presentation of the Auschwitz Foundation 2021-2022 Prizes, took place on Wednesday 9 November 2022 in the Gothic Room of Brussels City Hall, hosted by:
and was honoured by the presence of :
Rules of the Prizes and of the Research Grant
Appendix to the Rules: Research Grant – Call for Projects
Regolamento dei premi e della borsa di ricerca
Allegato al regolamento : Borsa di ricerca – Invito a proporre progetti
Reglement für die Preise und das Forschungsstipendium
Annex zum Reglement: Forschungsstipendium – Projektausschreibung
Auschwitz Foundation – Remembrance of Auschwitz
Rue aux Laines 17 box 50 – B-1000 Brussels
+32 (0)2 512 79 98
BCE/KBO Auschwitz Foundation: 0876787354
BCE/KBO Remembrance of Auschwitz: 0420667323
Office open from Monday to Friday 9:30am to 4:30pm.
Visit only by appointment.
To become a member of Remembrance of Auschwitz ASBL, take part in its activities and support its actions, please contact us.
Membership costs €40.00, payable to account n° 310-0780517-44 (IBAN : BE55 3100 7805 1744 – BIC : BBRUBEBB)
Donations of more than €40.00 qualify for a tax exemption for Belgian tax-payers.