Auschwitz Foundation - Privacy Charter   •
Privacy Charter   •
In this privacy statement, we explain how the Auschwitz Foundation and the Remembrance of Auschwitz handle your personal data. The present code of conduct clarifies how we protect your privacy, how you can access and modify your data at any time, and how we monitor the strict compliance with this charter.
This charter applies to the collection, handling and use of your data by the Auschwitz Foundation and the Remembrance of Auschwitz. We ask you to carefully read this privacy charter to find out more about the way personal data are collected and processed by the Auschwitz Foundation and the Remembrance of Auschwitz.
  1. Which data do we collect?
In order to keep you informed about our activities, we collect contact details such as your address, email, telephone number, mobile phone number or fax number. In so far as you have provided these yourself, we also collect data about your occupation, age, family life... We also collect data from your visits to our websites and social media accounts via cookies and browsing history for example.
You are entitled to access, correct or modify your data, or withdraw your permission to use them.
  1. Why do we collect these data?
We use your data to inform you about our activities and publications.
If you do not wish to receive newsletters or other information about us anymore, you can unsubscribe at any moment, free of charge and without motivation, by sending us an email or contacting our office. You can also just click on the “unsubscribe” link that appears below each newsletter.
We further use your personal data for statistical purposes and to improve our activities and publications.
  1. Cookies
The Auschwitz Foundation and the Remembrance of Auschwitz collect your data when you visit one of our websites or click on a link in one of our emails. To this end we use cookies or similar technologies. For more information about the use of cookies, you can consult our Cookie Policy on this page.
You can disable at any moment the use of cookies in the settings of your web browser. However, this may affect the proper functioning of the website.
  1. Database management
All personal details are managed by Remembrance of Auschwitz – rue aux Laines  17 Box 50 – 1000 Brussels (Belgium). The data may be shared between the Auschwitz Foundation and the Remembrance of Auschwitz.
Within the Auschwitz Foundation and the Remembrance of Auschwitz, data are only accessible for employees who need them for strictly professional reasons.
  1. Handing over to third parties
At no point will we sell or lend your data to companies or persons that are not part of the Auschwitz Foundation and the Remembrance of Auschwitz. Your data are confidential.
When we outsource a specific task or study, we make your data temporarily available to third parties (this happens only if we do not have the means to accomplish the task ourselves). In that case we draw up a contract with the external agent to ensure that your information is handled confidentially and securely. External agents are never allowed to use your data at their own initiative and are bound to delete them after finishing the task they were hired for.
  1. How can you access, correct or delete your data?
When you become a member or subscriber of the Auschwitz Foundation and the Remembrance of Auschwitz, we register certain data. You consequently have rights in relation to these data.
You are entitled to access, correct and delete your data free of charge. In order to assure that this right is exercised by the person linked to the data, we ask you to send a request to the office of the Remembrance of Auschwitz where you clearly indicate which details you want to access, correct or delete. The request should be signed, dated, and contain a copy of the face side of your identity card.


Auschwitz Foundation – Remembrance of Auschwitz
Rue aux Laines 17 box 50 – B-1000 Brussels
   +32 (0)2 512 79 98
BCE/KBO Auschwitz Foundation: 0876787354
BCE/KBO Remembrance of Auschwitz: 0420667323

Office open from Monday to Friday  9:30am to 4:30pm.
Visit only by appointment.

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Become a member

To become a member of Remembrance of Auschwitz ASBL, please contact us and transfer the sum of €50.00 to our account IBAN: BE55 3100 7805 1744 – BIC: BBRUBEBB with the communication: ‘Membership fee 2025’. The membership includes two issues of 2025 of our scientific journal.


Donations of €40.00 or more (in one or more instalments) qualify for tax exemption for Belgian taxpayers.
In communication, please specify that it is a ‘Donation’ and mention your National Number which is required since 2024 to benefit from the tax exemption.


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