Auschwitz Foundation - Proceedings of the Conferences and Study Days
Proceedings of the Conferences and Study Days

Proceedings of our conferences and study days.

  • D. Weyssow (ed.), Les caves de la Gestapo. Reconnaissance et conservation, Auschwitz Foundation/Kimé, 2013, 213 p.

    kelders gestapo web

  • D. Weyssow (ed.), De kelders van de Gestapo: Erkenning en bewaring, 2018, 248 p.

    kelders gestapo web

    [The Gestapo cellars: Recognition and conservation]

    Order online (French version) / Order online (Dutch version)

  • P. Mesnard (ed.), Sonderkommando et Arbeitsjuden. Les travailleurs forcés de la mort, Auschwitz Foundation/Kimé, 2015, 255 p.

    [Sonderkommando and Arbeitsjuden. The forced labourers of death]

    Order online


You can consult the list of proceedings of previous conferences and study days (1993-2010).

Just click on the FR square at the top right of the page to access the full French page.

In particular, you will find a dozen publications, the full texts of which are available in PDF format. Some of them include articles in English or German.


Auschwitz Foundation – Remembrance of Auschwitz
Rue aux Laines 17 box 50 – B-1000 Brussels
   +32 (0)2 512 79 98
BCE/KBO Auschwitz Foundation: 0876787354
BCE/KBO Remembrance of Auschwitz: 0420667323

Office open from Monday to Friday  9:30am to 4:30pm.
Visit only by appointment.

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