Auschwitz Foundation - Videos – One-day conference “The Brussels Gestapo HQ – recognition and conservation”, October 2011
Videos / Photos
  Information on the one-day conference “The Brussels Gestapo Headquarters – Recognition and Conservation”

Philippe Mesnard (Remembrance of Auschwitz, Blaise Pascal University – Clermont-Ferrand 2): “Introduction. La question des lieux” [Introduction: the question of sites]

Daniel Weyssow (Remembrance of Auschwitz): “Présentation: Le siège de la Gestapo à Bruxelles – Reconnaissance et Conservation” [Presentation: the Brussels Gestapo HQ – recognition and conservation]

Marie-Anne Weisers (Research Uniton on Modern and Contemporary Worlds, Brussels Free University): “Un chasseur de Juifs au Tribunal. Otto Siegburg, la Justice Belge et le Crime contre l’Humanité” [A Jew-hunter in court: Otto Siegburg, Belgian justice and crimes against humanity]

Robby Van Eetvelde (Loughborough University): “Duitse politie in de Scheldestad. De Gestapo in Antwerpen” [The German police in Antwerp; the Gestapo in Antwerp]

Grégory Célerse (Researcher and local historian, seconded to the Bondue Resistance Museum): “Le siège de la Gestapo de La Madeleine (Lille)” [The La Madeleine (Lille) Gestapo headquarters]

Simon Gronowski's speech

André Dartevelle (historian and film-maker): “Découverte et accès aux caves du 347 avenue Louise” [Discovery of and access to the cellars of 347 avenue Louise]

Fragments from André Dartevelle’s film: “À mon père résistant” [To my father who resisted]

Marcel Rozenbaum's speech

Olivier Van der Wilt (Curator, Breendonk Fort and concentration camp): “Les détenus de la SIPO-SD en Belgique: des caves de l’avenue Louise aux cellules de Breendonk” [SIPO-SD prisoners in Belgium: from the cellars in avenue Louise to the cells in Breendonk]

Thomas Fontaine (Paris 1 University): “Les graffiti du Fort de Romainville (Paris)” [The graffiti in the Romainville Fort (Paris)]

Grzegorz Jezowski (Curator): “The Historical Museum of the City of Krakow: Pomorska Street, Eagle Pharmacy and Oskar Schindler’s Enamel Factory”

Dr. Karola Fings (Assistant Director, City of Cologne NS-Dokumentationszentrums): “D’une cave d’archives vers un lieu de mémoire d’importance européenne – Les inscriptions murales de la EL-DE Haus et le lieu de mémoire Prison de la Gestapo” [From a cellar for storing archives to a commemoration site of European importance – the inscriptions on the walls of the EL-DE Haus and the Gestapo Prison commemoration site]


Auschwitz Foundation – Remembrance of Auschwitz
Rue aux Laines 17 box 50 – B-1000 Brussels
   +32 (0)2 512 79 98
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