Auschwitz Foundation - Videos - Symposium “États des lieux de la mémoire”, January 2013
Videos / Photos

The Symposium “Current status of the memory”, organized by Philippe Mesnard and the Collège international de philosophie (Paris), the Auschwitz Foundation (Brussels), the CELIS (EA 1002) and the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Clermont-Ferrand), took place on Friday, January 18 and Saturday, January 19 at the Maison Heinrich Heine of the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris.


Christian Biet (Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense University / HAR/ IUF): “Les leçons de l’Édit de Nantes” [The Lessons Taught by the Edict of Nantes]

Nicolas Beaupré (Blaise Pascal University – Clermont-Ferrand 2 / CHEC / IUF): “La Grande Guerre: du témoin à l’historien, de la mémoire à l’histoire?” [The Great War: From Witness to Historian, From Memory to Chronicles?]

Catherine Brun (Sorbonne Nouvelle University – Paris 3): “Histoire, ignorances, mémoire(s): quel(s) savoir(s) pour quelle(s) mémoire(s) de la guerre d’Algérie?” [History, Ignorances, Remembrance, and Memoirs: Which Knowledge for Which Remembrance and Memoirs of the Algerian War?]

Nicole Lapierre (CNRS): “Mémoires juives et mémoires noires, une ‘cause commune’?” [Jewish Memories and Black Memories: Is There a 'Common Cause'?]

François Azouvi (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris / CNRS): “Le mythe du grand silence” [The Myth of the Great Silence]

Danielle Rozenberg (CNRS / Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense University): “La mémoire du franquisme dans la construction de l’Espagne démocratique: les voies incertaines d’une réconciliation nationale” [The memory of Franco in the construction of democratic Spain: the uncertain paths of national reconciliation]

Pierre Albertini (Prépa. Condorcet) : “Les paradoxes de la mémoire gay: l’exemple français” [The paradoxes of gay memory: the French example]

Jean-Charles Szurek (CNRS / Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense University / ENS Cachan):
“La Pologne, pays témoin de la Shoah” [Poland, Country Witness of the Holocaust]

Nadia Tahir (University of Caen-Lower Normandy – ERLIS): “Mémoires en conflits: associations de proches de détenus-disparus et associations de survivants en Argentine” [
emories in conflict: associations of relatives of disappeared detainees and survivors' associations in Argentina
Memories in conflict: associations of relatives of disappeared detainees and survivors' associations in Argentina]

Meir Waintrater (former Director of the Journal L’Arche): “De Jérusalem à Kigali, ou la toute-puissance des victimes” [From Jerusalem to Kigali, or the omnipotence of the victims]

Régine Robin (University of Quebec in Montreal): “Identité et mémoire au Québec” [Memory and Identity in Quebec]


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