The association for the memory of the Shoah (AMS) will proceed to pave 40 memory cobblestones, of which 31 by the Auschwitz Foundation, on Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 of October, at the following times:
Wednesday October 29, 2014
Thursday October 30, 2014
We look forward to seeing you there!
The preview of Marian Handwerker’s film “Qui dira le Kaddish (des pavés pour la mémoire)”, will take place on Wednesday October 29 at the Yitzhak Rabin Space.
The screening will begin at 7pm in the main room at the CCLJ at the rue de l’Hôtel des Monnaies, 52 to 1060 Saint-Gilles. Gunter Demnig, the German artist and creator of memory cobblestones, will be present. He will be in Belgium for two days so as to set 40 new cobblestones in Brussels and in Charleroi.
Free admission upon presentation of invitation (pdf in French)
For information on the paving of 31 memory cobblestones and to register, please contact Nicole Weismann at the AMS (02 347 50 65) between 9am and 1pm.
12/2014, no. 334 – Article by Daniel Weyssow, “Des pavés de mémoire en hommage aux membres fondateurs de la Fondation Auschwitz” published in Centrale
Copyright: Georges Boschloos / Auschwitz Foundation - Remembrance of Auschwitz
Auschwitz Foundation – Remembrance of Auschwitz
Rue aux Laines 17 box 50 – B-1000 Brussels +32 (0)2 512 79 98
BCE/KBO Auschwitz Foundation: 0876787354
BCE/KBO Remembrance of Auschwitz: 0420667323
Office open from Monday to Friday 9:30am to 4:30pm.
Visit only by appointment.
To become a member of Remembrance of Auschwitz ASBL, please contact us and transfer the sum of €50.00 to our account IBAN: BE55 3100 7805 1744 – BIC: BBRUBEBB with the communication: ‘Membership fee 2025’. The membership includes two issues of 2025 of our scientific journal.
Donations of €40.00 or more (in one or more instalments) qualify for tax exemption for Belgian taxpayers.
In communication, please specify that it is a ‘Donation’ and mention your National Number which is required since 2024 to benefit from the tax exemption.