Auschwitz Foundation - Internships

Remembrance of Auschwitz offers young people the opportunity to undertake internships as part of its activities, convinced that this experience will be particularly useful for their education and future careers.

The internships are unpaid and take place in our offices in Brussels. Trainees (or their school, or the organisation hosting their stay abroad) are responsible for insuring their own travel, accommodation and related insurance costs. A good knowledge of French or Dutch is an asset.

Internships can take place in our different fields of activity: Study and Documentation Centre (library, archives, research, etc.), Publications (including translations), Press/Public Relations, etc.

In addition to enriching and compelling knowledge and experience, at the beginning of the internship period, Remembrance of Auschwitz offers the trainee awareness training adapted to his/her needs so that he/she can work in an optimal and productive manner.

Do not hesitate to send us your CV if you are interested in an internship under these conditions, accompanied by a cover letter in which you could reflect on a more personal work (research or area of interest) that you would like to develop.


Further information can be obtained from Mr Puttemans:
Tel. : +32 (0)2 512 79 98 – Johan Puttemans


Auschwitz Foundation – Remembrance of Auschwitz
Rue aux Laines 17 box 50 – B-1000 Brussels
   +32 (0)2 512 79 98
BCE/KBO Auschwitz Foundation: 0876787354
BCE/KBO Remembrance of Auschwitz: 0420667323

Office open from Monday to Friday  9:30am to 4:30pm.
Visit only by appointment.

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Become a member

To become a member of Remembrance of Auschwitz ASBL, take part in its activities and support its actions, please contact us.
Membership costs €40.00, payable to account n° 310-0780517-44 (IBAN : BE55 3100 7805 1744 – BIC : BBRUBEBB)
Donations of more than €40.00 qualify for a tax exemption for Belgian tax-payers.



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