Auschwitz Foundation - Videos - International Symposium on the Sonderkommandos, May 2013

New videos (only partially in English)

The International Symposium “The forced labourers of death. Sonderkommandos and Arbeitsjuden” organized by the Auschwitz Foundation and Remembrance of Auschwitz took place from May 23 to 25, 2013, at the International Press Center – Residence Palace & the Royal Library of Belgium, Brussels.



Thursday, May 23


Opening speech: Mrs. Véronique Lefrancq, Advisor of Mrs. Joëlle Milquet, Deputy Prime Minister, federal Minister of the interior and Minister for Equal Opportunities




Presidency: Frédéric Crahay, Historian, Memory of Auschwitz / Auschwitz Foundation (Belgium): Omtrent de terminologie [Questions of terminology]


Paul Bernard-Nouraud, EHESS-CRAL (France): Aux marges des camps : contours et exemplarité de la figure du « musulman » [The margins of the camps and the outlines of the exemplary figure of the “Muselman”]



Marie Moutier, Yad In-Unum (France): Yahad-In unum et la Shoah par balle [Yahad-In Unum and the Holocaust by bullet]



Christophe Busch, Kazerne Dossin/Mechelen (Belgium): Demonische overgangen, hoe gewone mensen in staat zijn tot het plegen van buitengewoon kwaad [Demonic transitions, how ordinary people are able committing of extraordinary evil]



Pavel Polian, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia): The Russian sources to the history of the Sonderkommando


Peter Klein, Hamburg Foundation for promotion of science and culture (Germany): “Arbeitsjuden” extermination camp at Kulmhof’s 1941-1945



Sarah Berger, Fondazione Museo della Shoah (Italy): The Jewish prisoners working in the extermination Areas of Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka



Jean-François Forges, Historian (France): Les lieux du travail des Sonderkommandos dans l’histoire des centres de mise à mort [The workplaces of the Sonderkommandos in the history of the killing centres]



Piotr Setkiewicz, State Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau (Poland): New investigations about the Bunkers I and II in Auschwitz-Birkenau


Friday, May 24


János Frühling, hon. prof., Faculty of Medecine at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium): Miklós Nyiszli, prosecteur du Dr J. Mengele [Miklós Nyiszli, the former prosector of dr. J. Mengele]

Igor Bartosik, State Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau (Poland): Escapes from Auschwitz Sonderkommando

Sila Cehreli, University of Marmara, Istanbul (Turkey): De l’histoire à l’historiographie : la résistance juive à Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor et Treblinka [From history to historiography, jewish resistance at Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka]

Carlo Saletti, House of Izieu (France-Italy): Comparer l’extermination par gaz et par balles. Une critique de la notion d’industrialisation [Comparison of extermination by gas and bullets. A critic on the concept of industrialization]


Batia Baum, Maison de la Culture Yiddish – Medem Library (France): Traduire les Sonderkommandos [To translate the Sonderkommandos]

Véronique Chevillon, Éducation Nationale (France): Quand entendra-t-on « Le Cri » de David Olère ? [When will we hear “The Scream” by David Olère?]

Marcello Pezzetti, Fondation Museo della Shoah (Italy): Le témoignage de Shlomo Venezia [The testimony of Shlomo Venezia]

Gideon Greif, Tel Aviv University (Israel): The contribution of the research to the Sonderkommando understanding and interpretation of the “Final Solution” in Auschwitz-Birkenau/The religious world of the Sonderkommando prisoners




Saturday, May 25


Philippe Mesnard (Remembrance of Auschwitz/Auschwitz Foundation, UBP Clermont-Ferrand/CELIS EA 1002): Images des Sonderkommandos [Images of the Sonderkommandos]



Michaël Prazan, writer-director (France): Les Sonderkommandos dans le cadre des exécutions de masse en ex-URSS [The Sonderkommandos through mass executions in the former USSR]



Jean Cohen (Greece): Le 7 octobre 1944, la révolte du Sonderkommando à Birkenau [The 7th of October 1944: The revolt of the Sonderkommando in Birkenau]


Some of our projects

  • Auschwitz Foundation – Remembrance of Auschwitz

    Bureau de la Fondation AuschwitzThe Auschwitz Foundation was founded in 1980 by Paul Halter, an Auschwitz survivor. Replacing the Amicale Belge des Ex-Prisonniers politiques d’Auschwitz-Birkenau Camps et Prisons de Silésie, the primary objective of the Auschwitz Foundation is to study the history and memory of the victims of the Holocaust and the Nazi terror in a sustainable and systematic way. The transmission of memory and the preservation of archives concerning these events complete this goal.

    On the other hand, the Auschwitz Foundation does not want to limit itself to Auschwitz or the Holocaust, and this is expressed in the interest the Foundation has in all mass crimes committed by authoritarian regimes. The work and projects it carries out are resolutely multidisciplinary and extend to all mass crimes and crimes committed in the long historic term or in contemporary history.

    To carry out this considerable task, the Auschwitz Foundation set up a Study and Documentation Centre in 2004: Remembrance of Auschwitz. Thanks to this new institution, which has a permanent staff of ten specialists, the promotion of scientific research and multidisciplinary publications has increased significantly.

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   +32 (0)2 512 79 98
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