Auschwitz Foundation - In Memoriam Baron Paul HALTER

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It is with great sadness that the Auschwitz Foundation announces the passing of its President

Baron Paul HALTER

Auschwitz survivor and activist




President of the Association of Former Political Prisoners of Auschwitz-Birkenau Camps and Prisons of Silesia
President of the Auschwitz Foundation
President of the Remembrance of Auschwitz


Officer of the Order of Leopold II with two crossed swords
Cross of war 1940 with palm
Medal of Resistance 1940-1945
Medal of volunteer war fighter 1940-1945
Cross of political prisoner 1940-1945
Cross of Auschwitz (Poland)
Federal Cross of Merit of 1st Class of the Federal Republic of Germany
He was raised to the peerage by King Albert II of Belgium in 1996
His motto was “Duty Honor Fairness


Born in Geneva on the 10th of October 1920 and deceased in Molenbeek, on March 30th, 2013


According to his wishes, his body will be donated to science



Some of our projects

  • Auschwitz Foundation – Remembrance of Auschwitz

    Bureau de la Fondation AuschwitzThe Auschwitz Foundation was founded in 1980 by Paul Halter, an Auschwitz survivor. Replacing the Amicale Belge des Ex-Prisonniers politiques d’Auschwitz-Birkenau Camps et Prisons de Silésie, the primary objective of the Auschwitz Foundation is to study the history and memory of the victims of the Holocaust and the Nazi terror in a sustainable and systematic way. The transmission of memory and the preservation of archives concerning these events complete this goal.

    On the other hand, the Auschwitz Foundation does not want to limit itself to Auschwitz or the Holocaust, and this is expressed in the interest the Foundation has in all mass crimes committed by authoritarian regimes. The work and projects it carries out are resolutely multidisciplinary and extend to all mass crimes and crimes committed in the long historic term or in contemporary history.

    To carry out this considerable task, the Auschwitz Foundation set up a Study and Documentation Centre in 2004: Remembrance of Auschwitz. Thanks to this new institution, which has a permanent staff of ten specialists, the promotion of scientific research and multidisciplinary publications has increased significantly.

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Auschwitz Foundation – Remembrance of Auschwitz
Rue aux Laines 17 box 50 – B-1000 Brussels
   +32 (0)2 512 79 98
BCE/KBO Auschwitz Foundation: 0876787354
BCE/KBO Remembrance of Auschwitz: 0420667323

Office open from Monday to Friday  9:30am to 4:30pm.
Visit only by appointment.

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